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Crawley apartment block gets an upgrade

New look balcony floors and stairwells will be a feature of this apartment block in Crawley thanks to Conspar preventative maintenance works.

The new floors, while enhancing the presentation of the complex, will act to help protect it from the development of concrete cancer.

Concrete cancer occurs when water penetrates the surface of concrete rusting the interior steel reinforcing and damaging the surrounding concrete. When this surrounding concrete starts to crack, it can eventually break away completely from the steel reinforcing, becoming a major safety issue - including comprising the building's structural integrity.

Conspar is installing a waterproofing system to balconies and stairwells of the complex (balconies and stairwells), to help protect surfaces from water penetration and concrete cancer developing.

The protective floor coatings used in the installation process can also assist in preventing slips and falls in these areas where surfaces can quickly become worn from high-level traffic and weathering.

The Crawley project is expected to be completed soon.

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