Conspar assists with the building maintenance needs of many Perth properties that are strata managed.
Working closely with strata managers and the companies they represent, Conspar stands out from the crowd in terms of offering the most cost-effective solutions to building problems without compromising on expertise and service delivery since it began operating in 1969.
Whether it be detecting a long-standing water ingress problem to treating the resultant concrete cancer or waterproofing balconies to preventative maintenance installation of protective coatings, Conspar can assist.
If more than one area of repairs is required, Conspar can also assist from roofwork, brickwork, plumbing and window work to carpentry, tiling and painting.
Helping to protect Perth’s heritage buildings
Address cracking of brickwork on building facade.
Address cracking of brickwork on building facade.
Carry out concrete cancer treatment of structural concrete columns and leading edges of carport.
Address concrete cancer at carport underneath balcony.
Carry out concrete cancer treatment of structural concrete columns and leading edges of carport.
Address concrete cancer at carport underneath balcony.
Address concrete cancer at carport underneath balcony.

Led by two registered builders, Conspar provides building defect reports and is able to carry out the repairs for you.
All work is carried out to Australian Standards and based on 50 years' experience in the building industry.
Led by two registered builders, Conspar provides building defect reports and is able to carry out the repairs for you.
All work is carried out to Australian Standards and based on 50 years' experience in the building industry.
Led by two registered builders, Conspar provides building defect reports and is able to carry out the repairs for you.
All work is carried out to Australian Standards and based on 50 years' experience in the building industry.
Led by two registered builders, Conspar provides building defect reports and is able to carry out the repairs for you.
All work is carried out to Australian Standards and based on 50 years' experience in the building industry.
Project Specific 'Remediation Plan'
How does the Remediation Plan fit in the overall procurement of the work, and your existing reports?
Why is a Remediation Plan Important? Unveiling the Secrets Behind Our Successful Repairs.
Structural and building condition reports and 10 year building maintenance plans play a crucial role in identifying and budgeting for building repairs and maintenance. They help owners budget wisely, ensuring their property maintains its market value and remains adequately covered for insurable risks.
But here's the catch:
These reports are too "high-level" for quoting purposes. They lack the specific scope of work, product specifications, and inspection points required for an accurate and transparent quotation process. Site allowances like scaffolding and permits are also missing. Key inspections and certifications needed to meet warranty obligations? Nowhere to be found. Without these vital details, each contractor's quote becomes a game of interpretation, with varying scopes of work, quantities, and quality assurances. It's like ordering from a menu without knowing what's included. Owners are left wondering what work has been done, whether warranties and standards are met, and how long the repairs will last.
That's where our Remediation Plan service comes into play.
So, what exactly does a Remediation Plan entail?
Whether you have existing reports or not, the Remediation Plan is the vital step before seeking quotations. It provides the following key elements that allow owners to get "apples for apples" prices from preferred and qualified contractors:
Evaluation, selection, and agreement of priority items to confirm the scope of work.
Project-specific scope of work, including estimated duration and whether local council approvals are required.
Bill of quantities for each work element type within the scope of work.
Specifications for each work element, including a detailed list of materials, methodology statements, and inspections schedule provided by the material manufacturers' technical representatives.
Construction details for specific work elements, such as waterproofing details at drains, expansion joints, skirtings, and more.
Confirmation of relevant warranties, Australian Standards, and legislation to ensure compliance.
Determination of whether the work needs to be completed in stages or can fit within the current budget.
Now, let's talk about the benefits of having a Remediation Plan:
Evidenced-based results: Through detailed inspections we provide property-specific scopes of work and specifications that accurately address the unique causes of reported issues.
Compliance with the Home Building Contracts Act 1991 to prevent work from being carried out against requirements.
Streamlined timeline: No more delays caused by conflicting proposals from contractors with varying scopes of work. We align everything upfront, saving you months of frustration.
Budget and time savings: Many factors affecting budget, latent conditions, and variations are resolved before contract signing, preventing surprises down the line.
Cost-benefit analysis: Accurately assess the cost-benefit of proposed work and prioritise high-priority issues.
Clear expectations: The Remediation Plan sets the bar for owners' expectations and contracted deliverables.
Measurable scope of work: Our plan provides a document you can trust, ensuring a certifiable scope of work.
Competitive quotations: Owners can seek "apples for apples" quotes for the same work, ensuring fair competition.
Remember, this Remediation Plan comes from a family-owned, registered building company specialising in diagnosing and fixing building faults and defects since 1969. You're in good hands!
Now, you're probably wondering about the cost. Well, it depends on property size, scope of work, and complexity. Reach out to us, and we'll provide you with a detailed quotation. For a more in-depth discussion, we'd be delighted to meet with you one-on-one.
Don't let repairs be a guessing game. Choose Conspar and discover the power of a well-crafted Remediation Plan!